HTML Source Coder


The most awaited app is now there for you, the HTML Source Coder.
The ultimate source coder.


HTML is an important language in designing and developing web based applications. For making testing and developing easy, N+ announces Source Coder's HTML. This great application allows you to view and expirement with source codes of any website for Free. This app makes it easy for students, teachers, lecturers and everyone who wishes to learn the language, easy to get the source code. It has been designed in order to make it easy to do anything. The UI is neat and clean. Its just for you. 

Application Details
Application Name: N+ Source Coder
Application Version: 1.0.0
Application Type: HTML (Source Coding)
License: Free to Try (Requires Registration)


Operating system: Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 8.1/ 10
Tested on: Windows 7 (32 Bit)
Processor recommended: Intel Pentium 2 and above (preferred speed 512 GHz and above)

By installing and using you agree to my Terms and Conditions.


However this application is meant only for educational purpose, for studying source codes of website. Duplicacy and copying of any source code of any website is strictly PROHIBITED. Thank you.


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